Mocha Chocolate Mousse

Mocha Chocolate Mousse

Ready In - 31 Minutes

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1 person

Prep Time

30 minutes

Cooking Time

1 minute

Total Time

31 minutes


1. Baking chocolate, unsweetened and finely chopped - ½ cup or 4 ounces
2. Granulated sugar, divided - ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons
3. Espresso or coffee prepared and cooled - ¼ cup
4. Salt - pinch
5. Eggs - 4 large
6. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
7. Heavy whipping cream - ¾ cup
8. Grated chocolate - needed for garnishing

Nutrition Facts

CALORIES: 296 kcal
FAT: 24 g
SODIUM: 85 mg


1. The initial step is to separate the egg whites from egg yolks. Place the egg whites in a bowl of a stand mixer. Allow the egg whites to come at room temperature. Place the egg yolks in a separate medium-sized bowl. Make sure the container you put in yolks is heatproofed.

2. Next, take a large saute pan and fill it with water at about two inches. Now, put this pan over the stovetop and bring it to simmer.

3. Afterward, add a quarter cup of sugar, salt, and cooled espresso to the egg yolks bowl. Whisk the ingredients nicely to combine.

4. Then, place this egg yolk bowl inside a saute pan. As the water is gently simmering, constantly whisk the egg yolk mixture until it gets double in volume. This whole process may take about one minute.

5. Now, remove the egg yolk bowl from the simmering water. Add unsweetened chocolate that you chopped and whisk until it is melted. Set the chocolate-egg yolk bowl aside and let the mixture come to room temperature. Remember to whisk the mixture occasionally.

6. At this point, the whites should have come to room temperature. Now, attach a whisk into the stand mixer, and at medium speed beat the egg whites until it becomes frothy. Add the remaining two tablespoons of sugar while the mixer is still running.

7. Turn the speed to medium-high and beat the egg whites until stiff, glossy peaks form. The appearance of the peak should be in such a way that if you dip your wire whip in egg white foam, it should stand up straight.

8. Next, take another bowl and beat heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Reserve half a cup of heavy cream to garnish the mousse later and store the rest of the heavy whipped cream in the refrigerator until it is ready to use.

9. Last but not least, fold the egg white foam gently into the egg yolk-chocolate mixture. Also, fold it in the remaining whipped cream. Pour the mocha chocolate mousse into coffee mugs and keep it in the fridge for two hours or a whole day.

10. Before serving, garnish the mousse with reserved cream and grated chocolate. Savor this sweet and rich dessert.